The grape materials we have planted at Bangor Ranch have been carefully selected for an ideal match with the microclimate, exposure and soil types found here. The hot sunny days, afternoon breezes and western exposure dictate varieties that thrive in the heat yet produce high quality fruit. The rocky, decomposed granite soil types and hillside topography suggest rootstocks that grow deep and can handle drought conditions. In addition, we're devoting careful attention to clonal selections, trellising and training to assure that we produce only premium-quality wine grapes.


Perhaps the most noble wine grape in all of Italy, Nebbiolo is the premiere variety of the Langhe region in Piemonte, and is the sole grape used to produce the region's famous Barolo and Barbaresco wines. In our vineyard, Davis Nebbiolo clone 8, a selection of Nebbiolo Lampia CVT 230 from Torino, is planted on 1103P rootstock and trained upright in a vertical shoot position trellis in East-West rows.


Mourvedre originated in Spain as Monastrell, but has gained its greatest fame in the Rhone region of France where it is often a key component in Chateauneuf du Pape blends. Our Mourvedre clones include Tablas Creek TCVS "A", imported into California by the Perrin family of Chateau Beaucastel and French ENTAV clone 450. These are planted on rootstock 110R. There is also a small section at the bottom of the block where the soils are deeper and wetter, and here we have planted Mourvedre clone 4 on rootstock 101-14 to take advantage of these conditions.



Another grape variety that comes from the Piemonte region in Italy, Barbera is famous for its earthy flavors and ample acids. We're planning to plant a block of Barbera near our olive orchard with a tentative selection of Davis clone 8, a selection that originates as VCR 15 in Italy and is marked by slightly smaller than average berries and good sugars.

Open by appointment through August 2024


Voice/Text:  530-228-1196


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